Media and Web Development
ICOM-101-01 / MTEC-617-01
Week 2 ● Introduction to HTML
In HTML, tags and elements are used to structure and format the content of a webpage. HTML tags are represented by angle brackets, and they are used to mark the beginning and end of an element.
Layout in HTML refers to the way that the content of a webpage is arranged and displayed on the screen. There are several different ways to create a layout in HTML, and the method you choose will depend on the specific needs of your webpage.
CodePen is an online editor that allows users to write and run code in a variety of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a popular platform for web developers and designers to prototype, test, and share their code with others.
All web pages are made up of elements.
There are many elements in HTML, some are redundant, and some are outside the scope of this course.
These are some of the really important ones.
Paragraph - The basic unit of text
Anchor - A link to another page
Image - Renders an image
Div - Defines a section of block content
Span - Defines a section of inline content
Emphasis - specifies emphasized text ( usually italic )
Strong - specifies strong text ( usually bold )
Lists and List elements - Define different types of lists
Inline elements which do not create a new line on the page.
Block elements which exist on their own lines.
Most other elements
Glitch is an online editor that allows users to write and run code in a variety of programming languages, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is a popular platform for web developers and designers to prototype, test, and share their code with others.
2. Design and code a "document" with html on glitch
○ Think about creating a Resume or CV, a simple flier for an event, liner notes for an
album, or credits for a film. Think about using Iframes from the media you
already have online. Go as far and be as creative as you like.
○ Make sure to use different heading levels with h1 through h6 tags ( at least 2
different heading levels )
○ use the p tag to format text into paragraphs
○ divide your content into sections with div, section, or article tags
○ add emphasis with em and strong tags
○ Extra Credit : Use an a tag to link to another website
○ Extra Credit : Use an img tag to display an image